I don't know about you but I have eating a whole lot more since I've been working from home. And of course with the eating, and the lack of exercise comes with weight gain. While I've not weighed myself, I wouldn't be surprised that I've put on a few pounds. To combat though, I enlisted the help of Belly Crush to curb my appetite.

Belly Crush has their signature cookies which are made with yellow pea fibre. Now before you start looking at me like I’ve grown a second head, hear me out. I too, was taken aback by the idea of yellow peas being part of a cookie, but in reading up on data (as in scientific studies that were done), apparently yellow pea fibre can aid in weight loss. Fibre is especially good for our digestive health. You can read more on that here.

Now back to the cookies. They come in two flavours, ginger and flax, and oatmeal and hemp. Each box comes with 6 servings, and each cookie is individually wrapped, which I was glad to see in case you want to take a cookie on the go. The premise is to eat one a half an hour before your meal. They also suggest that you can have one as a snack or even a meal replacement.

Before meals, I’ve noticed that when I have it before a meal, I feel fuller faster. At first I thought it was a mind over matter things, but I started to measure out my meals (which is something that I should be doing all the time), but in fact I have been putting less on my plate. As a snack: If definitely helps to fight the munchies.

The texture of these cookies remind me of a cross between a cookie and a muffin. They’re soft and chewy. Both flavours are naturally sweet, so at first, they come across as if they’re not that sweet, but they actually taste pretty good. I do think that over time, along with a balanced meal and proper exercise, I can definitely see a difference in my waistline, but I need to my part on the eating and fitness and let Belly Crush do the rest.
Interested in trying it out for yourself? Then get 10% off your order when you use code NELLYB. You can a click here to also get more information on the latest Belly Crush deals.
Would you consider incorporating this into your diet, especially with the studies that prove its effectiveness? Let me know.
*This is a sponsored post by Belly Crush. It contains affiliate links.*
Tshenelle aka Nelly B.
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